How To Help

Make a Difference Today

Donate Online

The multi-billion-dollar animal agriculture industry is powerful. We know it can feel impossible to make a dent in the vast suffering endured by billions of farmed animals each day. But together, we have the power to make a difference — for the animals who call Farm Sanctuary home and for others just like them.

We are stronger with your support! By making a donation today, you are helping our small but dedicated team at Farm Sanctuary rescue and rehabilitate animals saved from abuse and neglect. Your support makes a world of difference to the individuals who live at our sanctuary while also helping us to create a kinder world for all animals.

Monthly donations help us plan ahead in our ongoing efforts to rescue, educate and advocate, knowing that we can count on your continuous support. Plus, setting up recurring donations means we will receive your support automatically each month, without you remembering to donate every time.

Your donation will strengthen our mission to save lives, inspire kindness and create a more compassionate world.

From all of us at Farm Sanctuary, thank you for your support! Your donation will go to the area of greatest need as we continue to save animals and provide them daily care.

Non-Profit Tax ID: 12-3456789

Other Ways to Give

Non-Profit Tax ID: 12-3456789

In Honor / In Memory – Coming Soon

Honor a special someone (2-legged, 4-legged, winged) in your life with a gift in their name.


Sponsor an Animal – Coming Soon

Help to ensure your favorite animal’s well-being with a donation in his or her name.


Amazon Wish List

Explore our wish list of items needed to provide the best possible care to our residents.


Donate By Mail

Send your check payable to Farm Sanctuary at 1234 Salad Lane, Jersey, MD 20134.


Give Stocks or Bonds 

You can reap significant tax benefits by donating appreciated assets or with a donor-advised fund consult with your financial planner and contact us for more info.


Estate Giving

If you want to leave a legacy of compassion, you can designate Farm Sanctuary as a beneficiary in your living will, retirement accounts, or life insurance/annuity contracts. Please contact a lawyer or your account administrator and let us know of your plans.